Westminster Primary Academy is a 2 form entry primary school, located in the North of Blackpool. 

Around 75% of the children are eligible to receive Pupil Premium Funding - this equates to around £370,000 a year. The money is spent on our vision of our children being ready for their future as respectful and responsible members of the community. We have great expectations of our children and ensure they receive experiences that will allow them to compete with all children. Academically, our children achieve in line with national averages with progress significantly above national average and within the top 20% of all schools.


Pupil Premium

Updated: 20/12/2023 142 KB
Updated: 12/01/2023 32 KB
Updated: 21/12/2021 186 KB

Primary PE and Sport Premium

Updated: 30/01/2024 793 KB
Updated: 20/04/2023 148 KB


Swimming competency for current Y6

Y5 access swimming provided by Blackpool Council. They attend for 45minute sessions each week for 3 half terms

7%  - swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25


7% use a range of strokes effectively
7% perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations