Information from Blackpool Council for mental health support 

This page shows local and national support available from our children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing services during the Covid 19 outbreak. There are also links for parents containing general well-being advice, help line numbers and websites.


A topic page for COVID-19 has been created specifically aimed at children and young people on the Lancashire and South Cumbria Healthy Young Minds website:


And, although the parents/carers/families webpages are still going through the engagement and content drafting process, we’ve added some resources on there about COVID-19, aimed at them too:


Young Minds (@YoungMindsUK on Twitter) have posted a number of blogs etc including ‘what to do if you’re anxious about coronavirus’ and ‘looking after your mental health whilst self-isolating’.


CAMHS Support to Families During COVID 19 Outbreak

Wellbeing Advice for Families during COVID19

CASHER support during COVID19

Youth Therapy support to clients and families during COVID19 outbreak